Yoga blog

Is Yoga For Everyone?

Is Yoga For Everyone?

brianna barraza

Is Yoga For Everyone? Yoga is, by definition, a form of exercise consisting of a series of different postures and poses that are intended to increase flexibility, muscle strength, and...

Is Yoga For Everyone?

brianna barraza

Is Yoga For Everyone? Yoga is, by definition, a form of exercise consisting of a series of different postures and poses that are intended to increase flexibility, muscle strength, and...

What is Yoga?

What is Yoga?

brianna barraza

What is Yoga? Yoga is not simply a physical exercise. The poses we all know are merely superficial aspects of the true practice of yoga. Yoga is an ancient spiritual...

What is Yoga?

brianna barraza

What is Yoga? Yoga is not simply a physical exercise. The poses we all know are merely superficial aspects of the true practice of yoga. Yoga is an ancient spiritual...

Benefits of Private Yoga Sessions

Benefits of Private Yoga Sessions

brianna barraza

Benefits of Private Yoga Sessions   Yoga has gained popularity among the health conscious and fitness freaks of late. So much is the attractiveness for this form of exercise that...

Benefits of Private Yoga Sessions

brianna barraza

Benefits of Private Yoga Sessions   Yoga has gained popularity among the health conscious and fitness freaks of late. So much is the attractiveness for this form of exercise that...

Benefits of Meditation

Benefits of Meditation

brianna barraza

Benefits of Meditation Meditation describes self-induced practices to calm the mind and body to rest itself and redevelop congenital abilities in a calming manner. Meditation has been around for centuries,...

Benefits of Meditation

brianna barraza

Benefits of Meditation Meditation describes self-induced practices to calm the mind and body to rest itself and redevelop congenital abilities in a calming manner. Meditation has been around for centuries,...

How does Yoga Keep you Fit?

How does Yoga Keep you Fit?

brianna barraza

How Yoga Keeps You Fit Our Western expectations of medicine make us reliant on scientific evidence to understand the benefits of any form of activity. Therefore, the centuries of yoga...

How does Yoga Keep you Fit?

brianna barraza

How Yoga Keeps You Fit Our Western expectations of medicine make us reliant on scientific evidence to understand the benefits of any form of activity. Therefore, the centuries of yoga...